The Famous Five is a series of children’s novels, featuring the adventures of a group of young children: Julian, Dick, Anne, Georgina (George) and her dog Timmy. The stories usually take place in the children’s school holidays, and each time they meet they get caught up in an adventure, often involving criminals or lost treasure. With over 100 million novels sold, The Famous Five is one of the best-selling series for children ever written. All the novels have been adapted for television, and several have been adapted as films in various countries. (source: Wikipedia)
Julian, Dick and Anne are thrilled when they learn they will be spending the summer holidays with their cousin in a cottage beside the sea! George is a... read more »
There's a thief at Kirrin Cottage! The Famous Five think they know who it is, but they need to prove it! Where can they find evidence? The discovery of... read more »
Julian, Dick and Anne arrive in Kirrin Cottage to stay with Georgina for the holidays. They plan to spend time exploring Kirrin Island but their... read more »
The Five find adventure, when they spend Easter vacation at Mr. Lenoir's sinister house Smuggler's Top. Set high above an eerie marsh, the house is... read more »
The Famous Five are thrilled to go on a caravanning holiday with no parents and only Julian in charge. They all head off to Merran Lake, where a circus... read more »
Uncle Quentin is busy working on Kirrin Island - and it's all top secret! He doesn't want anyone to visit. Not even the Famous Five. But the island is... read more »
Dick's been kidnapped, mistaken for someone else, and the Famous Five are frantic! Desperately, they track him down to a sinister old house in the... read more »
Just as the Five are relaxing into the holidays, a burglar breaks into their uncle's study, searching for top-secret documents! And when George and... read more »