This influential work on comparative mythology takes on a scholarly controversy that raged at the time over the origin of mythology. Is myth "a disease of language," as Max Muller claimed, or does it, as the Lang argues here, reflect the spiritual needs of humans? Lang makes the case for an anthropological study of... read more »
This early work of comparative mythology remains a vital resource to students and devotees of ethnography, history, and world legends. Lang's stunningly comprehensive overview of pre-scientific thinking provide In this, the first of two volumes, Lang begins with a minimum definition of religion-"the belief in a... read more »
Lang's stunningly comprehensive overview of pre-scientific thinking provides an important perspective on the worldviews that molded and continue to influence modern thought. In Volume Two, Lang explores the concept the "the divine" as it has manifested itself around the world, examines the importance of ritual, and... read more »
A Greek and Roman mythology book that's suitable for young readers and is a comprehensive collection of all the major and minor gods of Rome and Greece, with descriptions of festivals and retellings of major mythological stories. Learn the mythology behind books like those in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians... read more »